For Reviewers
This section contains links to information and functions required by designated reviewers of the Journal of Informed Pharmacotherapy.
Please select from the list below:
Responsibilities of Reviewers
Filter out flawed work and prevent its publication
Assist the Editors and the author(s) to improve the quality & importance of the work:
evaluate originality, quality, and importance of the paper
identify errors, misinterpretation, overinterpretation, and “crimes of passion” committed by authors
fill in missing information, or at least identify its omission
support your comments with appropriate references if necessary
in addition to identifying faults, positive comments are appreciated as well.
DO NOT provide line-by-line comments on grammar and spelling. Global comments like “many spelling/grammar” errors is all that is needed. This is not the most efficient use of your time.
ALWAYS inform us of potential conflicts of interest.
In your review, point out areas which you are not qualified to comment on (lack of comment implies correctness, which may not be appropriate).
Inform us if you have previously reviewed this paper for another journal. This way we can determine whether it has been significantly revised prior to submission to JIP.
Respect that the manuscript is a privileged communication, is confidential, and for your eyes only. We do, however, encourage you to consult your colleagues who may have useful input to provide.
Be PROMPT in the completion of your review.
Inform us immediately if you cannot complete the review by the deadline.
Your referral of the manuscript to another qualified reviewer is appreciated if you are unable to review it by the deadline.
Online Review Form for JIP Reviewers
Please complete all appropriate sections of the form and press the SUBMIT REVIEW button at the bottom when complete.
Feel free to compose your review in the word processor of your choice, then simply cut and paste the text into the appropriate section of this form.
Reviewer Name:Article Author/Part of title:If the SCIENCE in this article was perfect, what would be its scientific/clinical impact? (0 = none, 5 = some, 10 = huge)If the potential IMPACT of this article were huge, what is the quality of its science? (0 = terrible, 5 = decent , 10 = Nobel prize winning)Do you wish to declare any conflict of interest with respect to this article?
No.Yes. Please provide details below:Have you previously reviewed this article for another journal?
No.Yes. Please provide details below:Reviewer’s Comments (to be sent to the author):NOTE: Suggested questions to be answered are provided. Copy them into your word processor, then paste them with your responses back into this box.
Additional comments for the EDITORS only: (will not be sent to Author(s))
Should this article be accepted for publication?Yes, as received.
Yes, if revisions are made.Reject.
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