Information for Authors & Contributors
1. Submission to the Journal
The JIP is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the practice of rational pharmacotherapy through the use of evidence-based principles. The JIP fosters the rapid widespread dissemination of original research findings, as well as information intended to help pharmacotherapy practitioners (i.e. pharmacists, physicians, nurses and other health care providers buy kamagra 100mg online provide better care for their patients.
The idea for the Journal arose out of a recognized need for the following:
a new peer-reviewed journal that focuses on pharmacotherapy;
a journal that provides pharmacotherapy literature reviews which highlight, condense, interpret and put this information into proper perspective using evidence-based principles;
a journal that permits clinicians to disseminate non-peer-reviewed research findings rapidly;
an alternative to traditional hardcopy distribution to facilitate the rapid and widespread dissemination of original research activity reports and;
a journal that is accessible to all, for a price that all can afford.
All manuscripts must be submitted by email to the Editors, JIP at email address: (mail to any founding editor, click on Editorial Board). Submissions should be produced using a recognized word processing software (MS Word preferred). Submitted manuscripts will be considered for publication with the understanding that the manuscript have not been published elsewhere (in electronic format or in print) and is not currently under consideration by another journal or publishing company.
2. Publication categories
JIP publishes evidence-based reviews of the peer-reviewed research articles, evidence-based reviews of the pharmacotherapeutic literature, issues in pharmacotherapy, research abstracts, pharmacotherapy on the web, email to the editors. Our aim is to publishing quality communications that improve our understanding and delivery of health care.
3. Criteria for manuscripts
Submitted manuscripts must meet the following criteria:
a) the material is original; b) the writing is clear, concise and unambiguous;
c) the study methodology is appropriate; d) the data are valid;
e) the conclusions drawn by the authors are reasonable and supportable; f) the information is relevant and interesting. All submissions are assessed for publication eligibility using a standard approach.
4. Corresponding author
When electronically submitting a manuscript for publication consideration, designate a corresponding author and provide a complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and an e-mail address for this individual. The corresponding author will be identified as such in the published article and an email address will be identified for this individual. Email addresses must also be provided for all authors identified on a manuscript.
5. Authorship responsibility, financial disclosure and assignment of one year exclusive license
Each author must read and sign a statement of authorship responsibility, financial disclosure and granting of one-year exclusive license (PDF format). Please print a local copy of this form, complete all pertinent sections and fax all pages to (604) 875-5267.
Unlike most journals, the JIP does not demand that you grant full copyright over your work to the Journal. Instead, we ask that you grant a one-year exclusive license over the material during which time you agree not to publish the material in any form anywhere else. The license period begins on the day the manuscript is published in The Journal and ends one calendar year thereafter. After the one year exclusive license expires, you are free to do whatever you wish with the material, including re-publishing it elsewhere in any form and The Journal retains no rights to it. During the license period, The Journal retains the exclusive right to publish, distribute, promote, and present the material in any way The Journal sees fit to do so. In the event that the manuscript is rejected by The Journal, The Journal holds no rights to the material of any kind and you are free to publish it however you wish.
6. Editorial Review and Processing
All submitted manuscripts are reviewed according to a standard procedure. Manuscripts are initially reviewed by one of the Founding Editors. Manuscripts with insufficient priority for publication will be rejected promptly. The balance of manuscripts are sent by email to a Section Editor who will coordinate a peer review of the manuscript by expert consultants. Manuscript authors and peer reviewer identities are kept confidential. Manuscripts under review are also kept confidential and the details of such are only known to the Editors and the submitting authors. Manuscripts that are subsequently rejected are not returned to contributors. Manuscripts that are accepted may be edited for conform to the Journal style. Authors are provided a galley proof to review in advance of publication and are considered responsible for all statements made in the final publication. As JIP is an online publication only, no reprints are available.
7. Preparing the manuscript for submission
Contributors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Submit the manuscript as an email attachment file (preferably in MS Word (any version) format). Double-space the text throughout. This includes the title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables and figure legends. Use a standard font (e.g. Arial) and a 10- or 12-point font size. On the title page include the full names, highest academic degrees, and affiliations of all authors. If an author affiliation has changed since the work was done, list the new affiliation as well. Use Système International (SI) measurements only, except when dual report is indicated in the SI unit conversion table in these instructions. Use non-proprietary (i.e. generic) drug names, unless the specific trade name of a drug is directly relevant to the discussion. Avoid unnecessary abbreviations. Include a structured abstract of no more than 250 words for reports of original data, reviews and meta-analyses. For other major manuscripts, you may be asked to provide a brief unstructured abstract. Abstracts are not generally required for editorials. For experimental investigations of human or animal subjects, state in the Methods section of the manuscript that an appropriate institutional review board approved the project. Provide the approval numbers as necessary. For investigations of human subjects, state in the Methods section the manner in which informed consent was obtained.
8. Disclosing funding and support information
Any and all financial and material support for the research and the work should be clearly and completely identified by the corresponding author. In situations where a pharmaceutical company has provided support, details regarding the specific role of the funding organization in the design, conduct, interpretation, and analysis of the study and review or approval of the manuscript must be provided.
9. Referencing format
Number the references in the order that they appear in the text of the manuscript. When listing references, follow the uniform requirements style (the Vancouver style) that is based largely on an ANSI standard style adapted by the NLM for its databases (e.g., MEDLINE).
10. Tables, figures and illustrations
All tables and figures should be numbered in the order of their citation in the text. Include a title for each table and figure.
Original Research
Disseminating findings to enhance patient care and outcomes.
Utilizing data to guide rational pharmacotherapy decisions effectively.
Peer Review
Ensuring quality and credibility in pharmacotherapy research publications.
Healthcare Impact
Transforming patient care through informed pharmacotherapy practices.
User Feedback
Discover insights from our community of pharmacotherapy professionals.
The Journal of Informed Pharmacotherapy has transformed my approach to patient care.
Sarah Lee
New York
This journal is an invaluable resource for evidence-based pharmacotherapy practices and research.
John Doe
Los Angeles